The World Game is all about the opposite of war...

“How to make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense, or the disadvantage of anyone.”                                                                                    Buckminster Fuller
We've reimagined it into a business model
Content studio called IsThereEnough
The Conversation
The Fuller treaty of humanity
The Treaty
The Bank

This project is about transforming Buckminster Fuller's World Game into a viable and sustainable business model. At its core lies a revolutionary finance method, poised to unlock social impact capital investment, and catalyze an unprecedented paradigm shift in the way we see and use power on both an individual and societal level.

Fuller was a remarkable systems thinker, futurist, and architect most hailed for his innovative geodesic dome. This iconic structure not only symbolizes human ingenuity but also represents one of the most significant architectural breakthroughs in history. However, Fuller's contributions extend far beyond tangible structures. He laid the mathematical foundation for synergy that resonates with us today as naturally as breathing. He had 50 predictions for the year 2000 and 49 of them came true.

Fuller's game is about how we each can contribute to making the world work for 100% of humanity. In his view, we are not merely separate nations in conflict but interconnected global citizens living on a singular planet. He referred to our shared home as "Spaceship Earth," a term he coined, inviting us to recognize the imperative of cooperation for sustainable existence.

The token economy launched by this project, and the ensuing release of social impact capital investment from the success of its roadmap will make a tangible pathway to turn The World Game into a viable and thriving business model. By producing an economy based on collaboration and agreement, and then leveraging a repeatable finance method for survival outcomes, we unlock the potential to create meaningful and lasting change. The introduction of agreement as a culture and  the infusion of social impact capital will breathe new life into innovation, projects and initiatives that further the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and global well-being.

At the heart of this transformation lies a profound recognition of the role played by everyday individuals—ordinary people who collectively hold extraordinary power. Empowering these individuals to participate actively and meaningfully in shaping the future is essential for sustainable progress. With the Treaty of Humanity and The Human Rights Wallet, each voice matters, each action counts, and each person becomes an agent of change.

Together, we can answer the #IsThereEnough question with a resounding "YES!" and usher in an era of abundance, cooperation, and enduring prosperity. Join us on this exhilarating journey of human potential and progress, where every voice matters, every contribution counts, and together, we can create a world that truly works for 100% of humanity.